Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

Collaborations in European Programs, Except FP7 & H2020

Meichun Lin was doing a project belonged to Interreg - 2 Seas Mers Zeeën on Cooperate Brachytherapy(CoBra), it is a 4 years project which gathers the experts from the countries between English Channel and southern North Sea aiming on finding an advance method for curing prostate cancer. The project is divided by several fields which are - MR compatible robot design, radiation dose measurement, needle design and virtual real-time training tool development. Meichun was working on developing virtual real-time training tool with Defrost team. By using SOFA framework to simulate the soft tissue's deformation and the interaction with needle under the real-time, also with the Image Modelling of MRI, Organs and tissue Modelling and so on and so forth, the 3D rendering became more like the real procedure of the brachytherapy and better for training purpose.